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ŽĎAS Reacts to COVID-19


Dear business partners, suppliers and employees,

In order to minimize risks associated with coronavirus spread, ŽĎAS Company has taken important precautionary measures. Employees, whose daily presence at work is not necessary, took their annual leave from 17 to 3 April. We have not reduced our operation, though. Employees necessary to ensure production are working and production is going on according to the original plan. Thus the essential delivery dates of contracted supplies should be kept.

Company management team is discussing the situation development every day, and is taking further necessary measures in order to improve the safety at workplaces. At the beginning of this week, cleaning activity in common areas of the company was intensified and sanitary facilities were equipped with antibacterial gels. On Wednesday 18 March, we appealed to all employees to use cloth surgical masks within the company premises.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. We firmly believe that we will be able to manage this difficult situation.

Pavel Cesnek
Vice-Chairman of the Board
and Managing Director of ŽĎAS, a.s.